Non-Fiction: No Shelter Here: Making the World a Kinder Place for Dogs

BOOK: No Shelter Here: Making the World a Kinder Place for Dogs
AUTHOR: Rob Laidlaw
PUBLISHER: Pajama Press Inc.


  1. When I started to read this book, I was unsure about it, but about a page in, I was hooked. I enjoyed the stories of dog lovers/ activists changing dogs' lives through their communities, and I admired the author's strong messages throughout the book. This book gave me a new view on the ethical treatment of dogs, a subject that, before this book, I knew next to nothing about. Throughout this book, the writing consistently pleased me, due to the fluency and clear organization of ideas. Another feature that I liked were the small facts on the side of each page. They gave me even more information to support the larger text. I, similar to many people I know that have read this book, think that the photographs were well taken, chosen and placed in the layout. I only have one complaint about this book, which is that near the end of the book, I found there were TOO MANY dog advocate stories, they got long and tiring.

  2. when friend read this book he loved it. so i decided to start reading it. i loved it. i loved because of a different style of non-fiction. also it touched me when i read. i didn't knew that dogs were treated that badly. when i read it it was a totally different book that thought it was going to be about.i thought it was about dogs and how do they live. but when i read it was i have a better under standing of dogs and what i can do to help them because i have one and i want them to be treated well. and i would extremely recommended for people who likes non fiction and loves dogs

  3. I really in joyed this book because i found that it had stuff about dogs that i never knew before i read this book. Also it caught my eye because of the dogs that look like they are in need, which made me feel like i was apart of it and i knew what they felt. This book has good page layout and has facts on almost every page. A few things i did not like about this book was that it looks like a lot of things were stuff onto one page and it look like there are some paragraphs that have smaller font size because of how much stuff on one page.

  4. The book "No shelter here" by Rob Laidlaw tells about dogs from all over the world struggling to find a home. The most spectacular part of this book was when people WANTED to make a change in the world not just for them but for the dogs. I recomend this book to children from ages 6-17 both male & female so they can learn that you can change the world.

  5. To me this book had a fantastic set up and photography but I would have liked it to touch more upon the dogs instead of the people who help them. I will admit that the part about the dog racing was interesting but the other parts I felt I knew already. but all in all the photography and lay out were great. Also it is great that someone touched upon dogs and disasters for those who don't know.

  6. I lloved this book. I also have a dog so knowing that when a dog barks it is probably lonely is helpful. I feel so bad for the dog in shelters so when I get a new one I would lean towards a shelter dog.
